Tuesday 22nd May 2012 saw the launch of the much anticipated final report of the Essex Study which was presented at LearnSpace in Corby, UK as part of school acoustics seminar exploring the acoustic influence on teaching and learning. The event was brought to the invited guests by LearnSpace, Essex Council and Ecophon. Moderated by sound expert and three-time TED speaker Julian Treasure also moderating this weeks Sound Education seminar in London, the Essex Study launch combined a superb line-up of speakers…..
The event explored the relationship between sound and education to stimulate debate during Noise Action Week 2012 about a major issue that, in many cases, is still being ignored in school design and launch the anticipated final Essex Study Report. Presentations were made about the Essex Study by different team members to senior figures with a specific interest in the education, it’s building process, standardisation and acoustics.
Speakers included:
• – Author of the book Sound Business, Julian Treasure
• – Alan Knibb, Senior Engineer, Essex County Council
• – David Canning, renowned educational audiologist, London Borough of Newham.
• – Shane Cryer, Concept Developer- Education, Saint Gobain Ecophon
• – Simon Smith, Sweyne Park School
• – Adrian James, Adrian James Acoustics
The full Essex Study Report – Optimised classroom acoustics for all. (ISBN 978-0-9572543-1-2) Is available to download here.
The report is now published by the OECD in their CELE Best Practices for Educational Facilities Investments and is available here
A short summary version of the Essex Study Report written by authors Adrian James and David Canning is available in English for now, download file The Essex Study summary Pdf
Also as part of Noise Action Week the key speakers from the Essex study, Julian Treasure and Shane Cryer also speaking at tomorrows Sound Education seminar in London which the first of a series of awareness raising seminars on sonic environment in schools that are brought to the public by Ecophon. Watch the presentations here – acoustician perspective and teacher perspective.