Acoustic design of schools: performance standards 2014
“The long awaited replacement to BB93, Acoustic Design of Schools, is most welcome; if you wish to respond, scroll to the end of the draft document for the 10 questions. You may consider a particular focus on the new open window natural ventilation calculation, guidance for sports halls, the addition of a rain noise standard in line with BREEAM and most importantly, the new extended standard for special education needs students. It is worth noting that the second part entitled Acoustic Design of Schools – a Design Guide, to be written and administered jointly by the Institute of Acoustics and the Association of Noise Consultants is not yet ready for consultation.
The draft standard was published earlier this March 2014 and is currently being overseen by the Department for Education and the Education Funding Agency.
This consultation closes at 16 May 2014 5:00pm
The Education Funding Agency is seeking views on the proposed revision of the Department for Education standards on acoustics for school buildings.
If you are in the UK and want to contribute click here for more info.
If you would like to book a lunch time CPD with Ecophon for a further explanation of the changes, please contact: [email protected]. or mobile: 07771565370